1. Is safety the top priority in the anesthesia department?
  2. Is there open and effective collegial communication between your service and the anesthesia department?
  3. Is there 100% compliance with patient identification and participation in the time-out prior to initiating any anesthetic and procedure (including regional anesthesia and central lines, peripheral IVs excluded?)
  4. Do you observe department members reviewing the medical record, patient drugs and allergies, and identifying potential anesthesia problems, particularly those that may suggest potential complications or contra-indications to the planned procedure (i.e., difficult airway, ongoing infection, limited intravascular access?)
  5. Do you observe the anesthesiologists interviewing and examining the preoperative patient, developing a plan for the patient's anesthesia care, and assessing those aspects of the patient's physical condition that might affect decisions regarding preoperative risk and management? In the event that non-physician personnel (CRNAs or AAs) are utilized in the process, does the anesthesiologist verify the information, and repeat and record essential key elements of the evaluation?
  6. Do department members use and document the ASA Physical Status of the patient?
  7. Do you observe anesthesiologists obtaining informed consent? Is an anesthesia specific consent obtained or anesthesia specific language included in the general consent discussed by the anesthesiologist? Do you observe appropriate alternatives, if available, being discussed with patient and team?
  8. Is the pre-anesthesia evaluation performed in an appropriate area (i.e., not in the operating room?)
  9. Is equipment for managing difficult airways and equipment for resuscitation immediately available?
  10. Would you allow any member of this anesthesia department to anesthetize you or a family member?


  1. In any area where large-volume local anesthetics are administered, is there Intralipid™ and a protocol for its use available?
  2. Does the anesthesia department have or offer preoperative screening/evaluations?
  3. If requested, does the anesthesia department assist in providing educational opportunities for your staff?
  4. Does the department of anesthesia have standard order sets in place?
  5. Has the department developed standard preoperative screening criteria?

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